"Escape Reality" is a premier magic and illusion show in Branson, Missouri, starring the acclaimed duo Garry and Janine Carson. Known for their dynamic performances, the Carsons present a captivating blend of grand illusions, comedy, and audience participation, creating an engaging experience suitable for all ages. Their show has received accolades, including the Merlin Award for 'Best Magic & Illusion Duo' worldwide.
The show is hosted at the Hughes Brothers Theatre, located at 3425 West 76 Country Blvd in Branson. Performances are scheduled at 5:00 PM, with an optional three-course dinner served afterward, enhancing the overall entertainment experience. The theatre provides a comfortable and intimate setting, allowing audiences to fully immerse themselves in the magic and wonder of the performance.
The show is hosted at the Hughes Brothers Theatre, located at 3425 West 76 Country Blvd in Branson. Performances are scheduled at 5:00 PM, with an optional three-course dinner served afterward, enhancing the overall entertainment experience. The theatre provides a comfortable and intimate setting, allowing audiences to fully immerse themselves in the magic and wonder of the performance.