"Escape Reality" is a top-tier magic and illusion show in Branson, Missouri, headlined by the talented duo Garry and Janine Carson. Known for their engaging stage presence and breathtaking illusions, the Carsons deliver a high-energy performance that combines grand-scale magic, comedy, and audience participation. Their skillful execution and creativity have earned them the prestigious Merlin Award for "Best Magic & Illusion Duo."
The show takes place at the Hughes Brothers Theatre, offering an immersive experience for audiences of all ages. Performances are scheduled in the early evening, with an optional three-course dinner available afterward, enhancing the evening with a touch of culinary delight. The intimate and comfortable theater setting ensures that every guest has a front-row seat to the magic.
The show takes place at the Hughes Brothers Theatre, offering an immersive experience for audiences of all ages. Performances are scheduled in the early evening, with an optional three-course dinner available afterward, enhancing the evening with a touch of culinary delight. The intimate and comfortable theater setting ensures that every guest has a front-row seat to the magic.