"Pierce Arrow Presents Decades" is a captivating musical and comedy show in Branson, Missouri, that takes audiences on a nostalgic journey through the music of the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. Featuring the renowned Pierce Arrow Quartet and the comedic talent of award-winning James Sibley, the show combines classic hits from each decade with lively humor and engaging performances.
Known for its high-energy musical numbers, period-appropriate costumes, and family-friendly atmosphere, "Decades" is a must-see for visitors to Branson. The production delivers a delightful mix of timeless songs and lighthearted comedy, appealing to audiences of all ages while celebrating the rich history of popular music.
Known for its high-energy musical numbers, period-appropriate costumes, and family-friendly atmosphere, "Decades" is a must-see for visitors to Branson. The production delivers a delightful mix of timeless songs and lighthearted comedy, appealing to audiences of all ages while celebrating the rich history of popular music.