"Southern Gospel Sundays" is a musical event featuring The Frosts, a family ensemble known for their heartfelt gospel performances. The group comprises Michael Frost, his wife Jen, and their daughter Jael, who together deliver a blend of classic and contemporary gospel music. Their shows are characterized by rich family harmonies and engaging stage presence, creating an uplifting experience for audiences.
Accompanied by pianist Clayton Watson, recognized for his work with Presley's Country Jubilee, The Frosts present a repertoire that includes familiar gospel classics, lively hand-clapping numbers, and original compositions by Michael Frost. Michael's songwriting has been embraced by prominent southern gospel artists, reflecting his influence in the genre. The performances also feature heartfelt testimonies and light-hearted moments, such as the comedic antics of "Sister Busybody," adding a dynamic and entertaining dimension to the event.
Accompanied by pianist Clayton Watson, recognized for his work with Presley's Country Jubilee, The Frosts present a repertoire that includes familiar gospel classics, lively hand-clapping numbers, and original compositions by Michael Frost. Michael's songwriting has been embraced by prominent southern gospel artists, reflecting his influence in the genre. The performances also feature heartfelt testimonies and light-hearted moments, such as the comedic antics of "Sister Busybody," adding a dynamic and entertaining dimension to the event.